We believe in only putting out the best products and providing the best service. This is why we offer the Sconi Boy Worry-Free Guarantee. If you buy something and don’t like it (for any reason), send it back to us and receive a gift card equal to the amount you paid for the product. Please email us if you need to return: [email protected]

To be eligible for a return.

  1. Return must be postmarked within 15 days from the time tracking has indicated you received the product
  2. The product must be the first time you have ordered it and be at least half full OR must show proof of damage (not from misuse)
  3. You will receive a gift code for the amount you paid for the product
  4. Must be a USA order, and shipping of the new product to the same address as before.

Once your submission has been accepted, you will receive a paid USPS return label. Use this label to ship the item back. Once we have the item and it is approved, you will receive a code for a new item.


We suggest you get samples before placing your order. Due to our safety protocols, we do not accept returns from our retail customers unless the product is damaged or not as described. We do offer net-30 terms to our Wisconsin retailers. Once the products leave our facility we are unable to take returns. Net-30 customers have agreed to pay in full for these items and they cannot be returned.