THCA Flower: The best worst kept secret in Cannabis

Skittle Cream

    THCA Flower, what’s the deal?

    THCA flower, or Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid flower, is a non-psychoactive precursor to THC found in raw and live cannabis. It’s cultivated with great care to preserve its unique properties.

    Growing THCA flower requires a controlled environment, optimizing temperature, humidity, and light. Genetic selection is crucial to ensure high THCA content, and organic practices are often employed to enhance the plant’s natural characteristics.

    The Cryo-Curing process is paramount in the handling of THCA flower. Immediately after harvesting, the flowers are frozen to sub-zero temperatures. This process prevents decarboxylation, the heat-driven reaction that converts THCA into THC, maintaining the flower’s non-psychoactive attributes.



    Cryo-Curing also preserves the terpene profile, enhancing the flavor and aroma, and extends the shelf life by preventing mold and bacterial growth. This method reflects a sophisticated understanding of cannabis chemistry, ensuring that the THCA flower retains its unique composition.

    The attention to both growing and preserving THCA flower highlights a specialized niche in cannabis cultivation, aimed at those seeking the medicinal benefits of THCA without the psychoactive effects of THC. The combination of specialized growth techniques and Cryo-Curing is essential in delivering a product that meets these specific consumer needs.